Factors to consider

1. Location of closest service technician
2. 24/7 service if available
3. Location of spare parts
4. Spare parts list at that location

In my experience KM/Netstal have been absolutely great with getting technicians on-site. Milacron and Engel usually take a couple days longer to arrive and the ones that have come to our plant are relatively new...so they spend a lot of time in the office on the phone calling another technician.

We struggle at times with spare parts from KM/Netstal that are not in the U.S. warehouse and wait for parts to come from overseas. We have been working closely with them to stock more items that we may need in the future to ensure we are able to maintain our 24/7 operations.

I have a friend that works with Arburg and I know he is constantly traveling to assist customers, so I am sure they do a great job as well! I can't speak for part availability, but I am sure it is just as good.