We use Dow Corning 360 Medical Fluid, 350 cst as mold release for class 2 and 3 medical device. It's more a liquid silicone than a spray but might be ideal to use as placement near the base with a Q-tip, and its cheap.

Only would caution placing too much to where parts stick to the A side. Especially if you have little to no draft.

Had some success with cylinder shaped parts..
Mold temperature needed to be warm enough so the part wouldn't stick hard to the core, but cool enough to strengthen up the areas near the ejector pins to allow sufficient part ejection. Tricky balance between cooling time, mold temperature, and pack pressure.

If you're ejecting near the gate at the coretip (as I understood it), ideally you want the base of the part to be Hot, and the core-tip to be Cold (where ejection is) as such a faster fill speed might benefit you because it'll allow less temperature-delta from core base to core tip.

Also if you can permit the time, keep the mold open for a few seconds to cool the core before closing! It'll cool much faster in the atmosphere than having it closed in the mold with plastic on it.

Hope some of that made sense.

Good luck my friend