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12th October 2012, 10:53 PM
Does anyone have a spreadsheet or a calculator that calculates exactly how much material you're going to need for a run? I have a hard time guessing when I add grinding the runners into the mix.

13th October 2012, 01:54 AM
Everybody has one of those:):
You even could purchase 'Nautilus" I'm pretty sure it has one, though I haven't used that part yet, it has everything else.
Many spread sheets and databases have that, as does a molder's slide rule. Any calculator will do it too.



13th October 2012, 02:41 PM
(Thanks Brent for the recco)

MoldingPPM - give us an example when you say add runners, etc. The Part Wt to Runner proportion is also important. I do have something in Nautilus and next week I am releasing a free version that has the Scientific Molding and the Tools free. (Not the DOE and other features)


14th October 2012, 03:32 AM
Everybody has one of those:):
You even could purchase 'Nautilus" I'm pretty sure it has one, though I haven't used that part yet, it has everything else.
Many spread sheets and databases have that, as does a molder's slide rule. Any calculator will do it too.



Brent, I'll will look into that software. I'm just looking for a way to figure it out instead of overbuying material.

(Thanks Brent for the recco)

MoldingPPM - give us an example when you say add runners, etc. The Part Wt to Runner proportion is also important. I do have something in Nautilus and next week I am releasing a free version that has the Scientific Molding and the Tools free. (Not the DOE and other features)



Lets say I run a 15 cavity mold. Each part is 6 grams and the runner is 12. And I need 500,000 pcs.
If you're releasing free software that would include something like that, hell, if it can help with anything in molding I'm in :) let me know what I have to do to get a copy.


16th October 2012, 12:24 AM
Don't forget to add some extra resin in there for purging! That's what most people leave off when calculating resin. I would also suggest you add extra in to cover your scrap rates. Then you can adjust from there!

16th October 2012, 01:08 AM
You also can make a simple Excel Sheet,which I use. Many resin companies offer a free calculator. If you know part/runner weight, it is pretty easy, even with a hand=held calculator or (heaven forbid) pencil and paper.
Purchase Suhas' software though, it does so much more!



16th October 2012, 07:55 PM
Rick brought up a good point with including purge with your calculations. One major thing that many forget is to add the material needed for each start up. In the past, I've had issues with particular molds needing more material, inserts, etc. because it took the sample techs longer to get good parts. For these tough startups I typically added an additional "X" amount depending on the shot weight and the amount of shots it took to get it going.


17th October 2012, 05:15 PM
Hello All,
The link to download the free version is ready. I will send you all (those on this thread) an email for the link via the Inmail here. The rest of the readers, please feel free to visit my website and request the link from there.
(I do not want to post it here for security reasons)