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View Full Version : Annealing for automotive parts injected with PBT and POM

arturo aguirre
23rd July 2012, 06:02 PM
Actually we have a annealing process of 2 hours of duration i want to know if exist some procedure to dterminate the time for these proceseces kind.

I will appreciatte the help

23rd July 2012, 06:28 PM
Hi Arturo,
Since the final dimension will also depend on your molding process (mold temps, melt temps, pressures, etc) you will have to conduct experiments to see what is the best combination of temperature and time. Plot a graph of Dimension vs Time at three different temps and see how the graph looks. I suggest that you take the higher end of the suggested mold temp as the starting point and then step down.
Hope this helps. I am sure you will have some other replies also.

arturo aguirre
23rd July 2012, 10:19 PM
some body know what type of testing is apropiate to verify the annealing level?