View Full Version : PM on vertical presses

22nd June 2012, 09:41 PM
Good afternoon. I am seeking the help in establishing a good PM routine on vertical presses. We have a couple Engel presses that have great manuals but we also have a couple foreign presses that really lack any direction or specifics at all.

Thanks for any help.

24th June 2012, 02:30 PM
Hi TF,
It may be best to simply 'borrow' the list from Engel since they have a good elaborate list. You may not have good luck with getting a list from another source. Also customization helps since they are going to give you a long list with everything on it to that they are safe from their side. From the processor's point, I am looking for a good check ring, good injection speed linearity and calibrated pressures. Of course there are other things.
Not sure if I helped, but this would be a good start I think.

10th August 2012, 01:03 PM
Dear all

Vertical presses reminds me of car crushers & seals that postman usually does
